I had been experiencing neck and shoulder pain for several weeks. After one treatment, I noticed the next day, NO PAIN! I was surprised since the discomfort had become “normal”. So, when I noticed, “Hey, No neck pain today!” I was surprised – but most of all – Grateful. Amazing stuff!
Neck and Shoulder Pain
When I was 16, I was struck by a myriad of unusual symptoms. My first symptom was hair loss, which I believed at the time would be easily treated. Soon, however, my hair began falling out more rapidly. I also began getting night sweats and hot flashes, extreme fatigue and brain fog, insomnia, IBS, unidentifiable leg rashes, and tachycardia for hours after each meal. I went to around 10 conventional doctors in the three years I was sick. They ran blood panel after blood panel, did extensive allergy testing (including months and months of different diets to detect any food intolerance), an upper endoscopy was scheduled, I wore a heart monitor for two weeks due to the extreme tachycardia, and had an MRI done after the right side of my body went numb for several days. None of this accomplished anything. I began getting accused of simply being a hypochondriac or depressed. I was becoming fearful that I may end up dying very young because no one would listen to me or, if they did, they couldn’t help. This is when I began searching for alternative medicine and Advanced Healthcare Solutions came up in my search. Although it was what I went to as a last resort, I wish I had known about acupuncture much earlier. It has changed my life. Most of my symptoms have disappeared completely after being treated mainly for weak adrenal glands, hypothyroidism, and estrogen/progesterone imbalance. What I found was that acupuncture didn’t hand out a thoughtless prescription, it handed out a road map to a lifelong journey of recovery, triumph, and happiness. For me, it was truly a life changing experience in body and mind and I hope others can experience the same thing. -SD
Adrenal Fatigue & Hormone Imbalance
I came in with lower back pain and stiffness in my neck. The acupressure treatments were nothing short of a miracle! I wish we had recorded the treatment sessions. Initially I could barely get out of the bed without help. After having an acupressure session, I was able to sit up with ease and sharp shooting pains. I am truly amazed and completely sold on this therapy. Thank you for the wonderful service.
Back Pain & Neck Stiffness
I have been playing guitar for 40 years. Recently I developed a case of trigger finger that left me unable to play. After pursing conventional treatment methods with an orthopedic specialist that would ultimately lead to surgery, I asked my general practitioner about Acupuncture and he referred me to Marc. On my first visit Marc diagnosed the condition and setup a treatment plan. After each visit, I noticed that that my left hand felt “like new.” As the frequency of the visits has declined, I have gradually worked up to playing my guitar on a regular basis again! And NO SURGERY! At this point, I come in every seven weeks or so for a “tune up.” I expect that I will be seeing less of Marc and his staff as time goes by. This stuff definitely works…
Trigger Finger
Dear Marc, I have had benign essential tremor for many, many years, but as I age, the problem has become progressively worse. I was no longer able to write, to button buttons, to fasten zippers, to drink from a cup or glass without a straw, or to get food to my mouth without spilling it. I even had to drink hot coffee through a straw because I could not raise the cup to my mouth without spilling my drink. I hated to eat with other people because I was embarrassed by my tremors and their consequences. I’ve been troubled with assorted other issues, including swollen ankles and a poor immune system that left me susceptible to every germ that wandered in my general direction. Your acupuncture treatments have calmed my tremors. I can once again write legibly, eat, drink, and dress myself without the past difficulties. My immune system has improved so much! When others in my apartment building were down with the flu for a week, I either missed the illness entirely, or suffered for only a day or two. I feel much better in general. The needles didn’t hurt, and you and your staff were so warm and welcoming. I truly appreciate your care and expertise. Sincerely,
My name is Isabela. I am originally from Brazil where I used to be treated by my MD with Chinese herbs and Acupuncture, but I had to move to the United States, initially Florida then North Carolina. I was really happy when I found Marc Cutler and his clinic because I would re-start the kind of treatment I used to do. Marc and his team of professionals are very knowledgeable and competent in their field. I came here to treat my chronic sinus, which is now under control and I’ve been suffering considerably less with the changes in the weather and allergy seasons. Also, Marc has found out that when I came to start the treatment, my hormones were completely unbalanced and because of that could not get pregnant. Marc and his team have given me the right treatment, tackling the issues in such a way that my whole body is much more balanced and resistant to colds and prepared to get pregnant. After 6 months of treatment, I got pregnant and I am almost 40 years old! I do recommend Marc’s clinic. They are very professional and a group of sweet people, which in my view makes the difference.
Sinus Pain
Sinus Pain
I am woman of 68 years. I have had numerous operations and pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis. After 5 operations and lots of wheel chair time in the past 3 years, my doctor said that it was time for yet another operation. Acupuncture was the only route left for me. I came to Marc Cutler on October 12, 2006. I told him my various problems with arthritis, diabetes, stomach upset, etc. He said he would address all these problems. Now I have no pain in my left ankle, left thigh, right shoulder, hands, stomach, and I am almost off all diabetes medicine. I feel like a new woman! Some of my energy has come back and I am feeling so well that my husband is amazed and thrilled with me. I am a much happier person. Thank you Marc!
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Dear Marc, How crazy would an educated man think of a woman that has had only one Acupuncture treatment and feels 75% better afterward? My hope is not at all. It is the truth. I swear to God. Last night I went to the movies (by myself, even though I could have had a date). I felt great through the whole movie and returned home feeling the same. I had little trouble falling asleep and woke only twice, which is normal for me. This morning I awoke at 830 feeling bright, alert, and experiencing little pain. I have been doing stuff all morning while listening to Van Morrison’s Back on Top CD. How appropriate! There is a song on that album that I told all of my online acquaintances this winter was “my” song because it described what I was going through. Little did I know, until this morning, what the philosopher’s stone actually was? While finding the lyrics to send to you I came across the definition. It is right on the money as far as what you and I have talked about… Thank you for helping me to become the person that I am meant to be. By the way, this is the first email of more than 2 sentences that I have written in a couple of months. Take care,
To start I am extremely grateful to be feeling in harmony with my body. I started Acupuncture Treatment with one thing in mind, I was not aware of the hole over all profound benefit. I am a Post-polio survivor. After years of significant pain from illness and injury from falls and car accidents, I just wanted to reduce my pain in a natural way, in order to help my body heal in a way it was designed to do. So pain relief was my achieving goal. As stated before my wonderful care was in many areas of my life a 100% beneficial to my whole mind, body, and spirit. Now pain is greatly reduced, my energy greatly went up! Keeping in mind I have Post-Polio Fatigue Syndrome (PPS). My anxiety and depression, leg and back pain, much much better, poor circulation along with muscle damaged by Polio, began to strength, and heal itself. The true benefit for me is a blessing, to add a plus, I am 52 years old, and in menopause, acupuncture therapy helped that too! I smile more now and feel younger. This year I took 8 trips out of 12 months and only one by plane; never would I have thought this was a possibility when I was in my past health condition. Advanced Healthcare Solutions makes me feel better than a new dress because I feel so much better when I put together an older outfit! Extremely grateful,
Pain & Injury
For many years, I endured chronic osteoarthritis and pain in my lower spine, as well as aches and swelling in my right leg due to venus insufficiency. To ease these ailments, I ingested vitamins daily, and wore compression stockings, which helped some. Once I started a regimen of acupuncture treatments, however, the aches and twinges I had experienced in my back and leg slowly receded to the point where I now feel pain-free. Being a senior in my 80’s, I now find it easier to participate in physical activities, such as swimming, distance walking, dancing, strength training classes, etc. I really look forward to enjoying life a lot better, and have enthusiastically recommended acupuncture to others as a definite beneficial option to increase their fitness and good health. For many years, I endured chronic osteoarthritis and pain in my lower spine, as well as aches and swelling in my right leg due to venus insufficiency. To ease these ailments, I ingested vitamins daily, and wore compression stockings, which helped some. Once I started a regimen of acupuncture treatments, however, the aches and twinges I had experienced in my back and leg slowly receded to the point where I now feel pain-free. Being a senior in my 80’s, I now find it easier to participate in physical activities, such as swimming, distance walking, dancing, strength training classes, etc. I really look forward to enjoying life a lot better, and have enthusiastically recommended acupuncture to others as a definite beneficial option to increase their fitness and good health.
Lower Back Pain & Swelling
I started feeling numbness in my hands followed by loosing strength in my handgrip. I had difficulty opening soda and water bottles. My hands became sore after typing on the computer and working for extended periods of time. I went to my internist who gave me wrist braces. When my wrists still did not really improve, I was referred to a hand surgeon who said eventually I would need surgery after which there would be physical therapy and I would have to wear a case for a few weeks. I really didn’t want surgery, so I searched the internet where I found yoga exercise and recommendations for acupuncture. I asked my yoga teacher for a recommendation and I met Marc Cutler in July of 2004. He recommended three treatments a week, then two treatments a week, then once a week, then once every two weeks. Now I am receiving treatment once a month for a variety of other complaints. My hands, wrists, arms, and neck have improved with continual yoga exercise, massage, and acupuncture. I have encountered many additional benefits from acupuncture, including relaxation. My constantly tense neck muscles have become much more comfortable. All in all, acupuncture is a pleasant, positive health benefit. I plan to continue for many years to come.
Hand/Wrist Pain
Through acupuncture, my friend got amazing results from arthritis pain and diabetes. I came to Marc for severe and continuing pain in my thumbs from arthritis. I was skeptical about a treatment that I didn’t understand, but was open to non-Western concepts. Within two months, the pain was gone- really. My allergies that I happened to mention in my second visit were gone as well. I continue to be amazed at Marc and his ability to heal. I am a true believer.
I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with my experience with Acupuncture at your facility. I am a Physician Assistant and have tried mainstream medicine to help with my ailments. I wanted someone to treat my whole body. I knew whatever problems I had, must be related to each other but each provider I went to treated my symptoms. I decided that venturing into Acupuncture might be the right thing to do since it would treat me as a whole person not a body. I am pleased to say that I have had great results with Acupuncture. When I started going to Advanced Healthcare Solutions I felt like I was 80 years old and now I actually feel my age, 30! I have more ability to experience life and my ailments have decreased to occasional annoyances. Overall, I could not be happier about my experiences with all of you!
Aches & Pains

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