Marc, My wife Michelle and I wanted to write you with our highest possible recommendation. We had been trying for two years to get pregnant and have a baby. With the exception of a very early miscarriage, we were unsuccessful. Michelle had earlier tried your treatment for chronic hives, with startling success. We therefore both decided to try your infertility treatment. I have to say that I was a bit skeptical that I would notice much of anything from your treatment, but I was mistaken. I felt very relaxed and weak after treatment, and could tell that the acupuncture had a powerful effect on me. Amazingly, after just two treatments, we found out that Michelle was pregnant! We were shocked! We were also convinced your treatment made the difference. Thank you so much,
Fertility Success
My experience with Marc Cutler and the staff at Advanced Healthcare Solutions has been such a pleasurable one. They were sensitive to my concerns and made me very comfortable with the recommended treatment. I started doing fertility treatments in April and was pregnant in May! I truly believe the combination of herbs and acupuncture helped attribute to my success. Thank you to Marc and his staff for such an unbelievable experience!
I came originally for a fertility problem and lower back pain (sciatica). After the first visit, I immediately noticed that the sciatica was gone. It comes and goes now, abut it is not as bad as it once was. I have an overall feeling of good health and well-being after 5 months of treatment – I am now pregnant and I am hoping to write an even better success stories in 8 months!
I am a true believer in acupuncture after it helped e with secondary infertility. My husband and I had our first child, Natalie, very easily in 2002 – she was a surprise actually. Then when we started trying again several years later for a second child, we were perplexed when nothing happened after five months, especially since Natalie “happened” without a second thought. So being over 35, my OBGYN suggest running blood tests. It turned out my FSH was elevated to a 19; when it is this high, you are in menopause; FSH is the hormone that communicates with the ovaries. When given the news I was shocked beyond belief, for many reasons I was unable to consider the egg donor route. To my doctors’ credit, she also said she had a personal friend who had the same issue and did Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with success. I immediately researched it and decided to give it a try. I figured it could not hurt me, and it was sure a lot cheaper than IVF with a donor egg. I looked for someone who had experience in the infertility area and I went to Marc in Raleigh. I went once a week. I was surprised how confident he was that it would work. His overall attitude from the beginning was so much different than the “Western-oriented” doctors. I found the acupuncture treatments to be surprisingly soothing and relaxing and I look forward to going every week. I became confident too that it would work – but I didn’t think it would work so FAST! I was pregnant three months later after starting acupuncture. I had a wonderful pregnancy and birth. Now we have beautiful Kevin. That is my story and I am now a big believer in acupuncture, meridian therapies, and Eastern medicine. I have even become open to “energy therapies” in my practice as a psychologist.
At age 39, I got married to the right man (finally) J and I have always really wanted a baby. Unfortunately, I had been diagnosed with endometriosis, for which I had had two surgeries including having one ovary and tube removed. I was also informed that my egg count was extremely low and that the chances of me getting pregnant would be highly unlikely. To share some perspective, girls have an egg count of 3.0 at birth. Most fertility clinics will harvest eggs for invetrofertilization as long as one’s egg count is 1.0 or higher, although I did find one place that would harvest with a count as low as 0.8. Well, my count was 0.2…essentially, I had no eggs. I then heard about acupuncture and was referred to Marc Cutler by my GYN. I was given a very detailed medical questionnaire to complete – much more thorough than I had ever received from at any doctor. After reviewing my responses, he recommended an appropriate diet, as well as, started herbs and treatment for both the endometriosis and to improve the chances of me becoming pregnant. He explained that it may take 6 months or more before anything happened…with no guarantees of course. Well, after two months, I learned that I was pregnant! I absolutely couldn’t believe it!!! Marc then changed my treatment to help avoid miscarriage…and it worked! Now, my husband and I have a healthy and beautiful baby boy that was born on June 25, 2011. We named him David Caleb and he is the greatest blessing we have ever had! I tell people about acupuncture at any opportunity! Whether it is for fertility or illness or just general well being … I truly believe in it and highly recommend it!
Success Story

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