I felt like there was always something wrong with me. It started years ago with some depressive episodes that were compounded by anxiety. These conditions led to sleeplessness, irritability and just no feeling well. Going so long not feeling well caused many other problems too. I would get sick a lot, get headaches, gain weight very quickly, and want to sleep all the time. I spend what little energy I had trying to not appear depressed or anxious on the outside while it was eating away at the inside. After all these symptoms taking their toll for years I started developing other problems. A Giant Cell Lesion (bony tumor) on my jaw that had to be removed. A Cervical Polyp that caused weakness and a lot of bleeding until it was removed. Unexplained reactions (swelling around my eyes) that doctors could not figure out and a Bladder infection. More and more headaches were occurring but according to blood tests were not migraines. It was always something. On top of all these problems and the depression/anxiety I was on multiple medications for various symptoms:
- Prozac – for depression/anxiety
- Wellbutrin – for depression/anxiety
- Klonpin – for anxiety
- Ambien – for sleeplessness
- Zyrtec – for allergies
- Various others depending on what was going on at the time (infections etc)
I felt like the medications were controlling my life! And they were not even making me feel better. They were just “band-aids.” I decided to seek alternative treatment when I went to psychiatrist and wanted to try to get off some of the medications. I would like to have kids eventually and all the medication cannot be good. His response to me was to not mess with it if I am feeling okay and that if/when I did get pregnant he would probably need to increase dosages! INCREASE THEM! That is when I drew the line and knew I needed to find something else. I am just finishing up the Relief Phase of my acupuncture and am happy to say that I now take no prescriptions and am feeling very good. I still have a ways to go since I did have so many various symptoms when I first started treatment, but I am very impressed with my results so far!
Depression & AnxietyWhen I started at Cisco, people joked about the “Cisco 50+” and the work it took to get things done. Although I came from a background where stress and high performance were typical, the mechanisms I used to balance my workload and my health were faulty, to say the least. Sometimes I wonder how it came to be that I found myself in Marc’s office. It wasn’t solely the stress of my work, and I certainly had no desire to become one with my “chi” Instead, it was a series of events that made me wake up one morning and say – ENOUGH! About six months ago, I went to my doctor complaining about abdominal pain. Several tests and referrals later, I found myself on the bed of a CAT scan machine thinking that I was a few minutes away from an appendectomy. The surgeon had the results in his hands, and approached my husband and I in the waiting area-among 15 other patients. With austere precision he said, “Mrs. Rademann, you don’t have appendicitis… You do, however, have a large ovarian cyst that you should get looked at immediately.” Embarrassed knowing that my medical drama was now shared with strangers, my husband and I left to figure out what to do next. My OB prescribed medication to shrink the cyst, and although two months of therapy proved to help, I was stuck taking a medication that made me extremely dizzy and nauseated all the time. The cyst wasn’t my only concern, however. I wasn’t healthy. I wasn’t going to the gym, eating as I should, or worrying about my cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Don’t get me wrong – I cared about these things but I suppose what made me not want to know, was what I was going to have to change in my life to make things different. I woke up one morning annoyed that I would have to take the medication that gave me all sorts of side effects, with only one positive, temporary solution – the cyst was shrinking. I was disappointed that the plans my husband and I had to start our family were significantly delayed. Most importantly, however, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I had gone to a “lunch and learn” where Sharon Cutler spoke on the benefits of acupuncture to treat headaches here at Cisco. It wasn’t putting a band-aid on the problem; it was finding the root cause of the symptom, and making medications to eliminate the ailment permanently. Being the pack rat that I am, I kept the card, and made a phone call for a free consultation. I visited the office days later, and shared the kind of personal “ah HA” moment that Oprah would be proud of. Marc looked at my chart, and then spoke to me the way no other physician to date had before. He was personally interested in my health; and although I was brought to teas by his genuine interest in seeing me get healthy and achieve the goals I had for myself and my family, I was at the moment ready to “do the work.” Its’ only been two months. I’ve lost over 10 pounds, my blood pressure has dropped over 10 points, my cholesterol levels are lower, I have more energy- even without Starbucks- and the root cause of the cyst is finally being addressed. In only two months, my health has dramatically improved, and all it took was one decision. I would recommend to anyone (and have) acupuncture as a means of medical treatment. Marc’s staff has treated me like family, and believes in my wellness journey… as I do now.
Cysts, Stress, & Wellness
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