My name is Alisha. About two years ago, I was in an automobile accident. In the accident, I broke my neck and severely bruised my spinal cord at levels C5 and C6. The doctors told me that I would not walk again, but to have faith. I began therapy three months after my injury and after one year and two months I reached a plateau in my recovery. They put me on a fitness program and into pool therapy. I was only able to move my right leg and both arms, but only a few fingers. I was walking in a harness called a “lightgate” and I needed a lot of support and help moving my legs. For a long time my left leg was not moving at all and I did not have the strength I needed to hold my upper body. There was a spinal cord injury meeting at the hospital and that was where I was introduced to acupuncture. Marc began talking about he benefits of acupuncture and how it helped his father. At first I was skeptical, wondering what those little needles could do for me, but on my first visit to the office they explained it more to me. I have been receiving treatment from Marc for four months and have seen wonderful improvements. I am now moving both my legs. My right leg was always stronger than my left but now its of normal strength. I am back in therapy and I am using a walker with help from my therapist. I am able to take steps on my own and walk longer distances than before. Before it would take up to 45 minutes to walk 7-10 feet and now I can walk 90 feet in those 45 minutes. Acupuncture has helped me to gain movement back, to become stronger, and to do things a lot faster that I have been. I wish I would have known about acupuncture right after my accident because I feel that I would be a lot further with my recovery by now. Every time I tell someone that I am doing acupuncture they say that they have tried it and enjoyed it and also that it works. I really feel that acupuncture along with the help of Jehovah God is helping me improve day after day.
Spinal Cord Injury

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