Advanced Healthcare Solutions not only offers the best of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also cutting edge technology.
Cutler was the first to be certified to practice Laser Acupuncture in North Carolina.
Low-level Laser Therapy also known as cold, or cool lasers is a technology which has been proven to be remarkably safe, painless and effective in reducing the amount of time it takes to heal, as much as 1/3 to 1/2 the time to heal by utililizing the laser as compared to without.
The laser is a type of Phototherapy that utilizes the laser light in the infrared spectrum to stimulate the cells in that area to repair tissue, reduce inflammation and reduce pain. It is a highly effective treatment for acute soft tissue injuries, chronic pain syndromes and slow healing wounds.
As mentioned above this type of laser is cool or cold and not hot. Hot lasers are used in the medical field as scalpels because of their surgical precision.
During a LLLT treatment a cellular photochemical reaction is stimulated by the laser and the photons from the laser affect the tissue on a cellular level. The cell’s membrane then changes due to the photochemical reaction and the mitochondria (also known as the Power house of the cell) which then makes adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which then accelerates the healing at this deep cellular level.
Lasers of this type have been in use in Russia, China and many other countries for over 50 years. Lance Armstrong, the US Olympic teams, and NASA are integrating LLLT as a method of reducing inflammation and increasing healing. The growing acceptance of LLLT as a viable and superior therapeutic treatment within these communities validates the success of this modality.
The Therapeutic Benefits of Laser Therapy:
Faster wound healing: Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
- Rapid cell growth: Laser light accelerates cellular reproduction and healing.
- Anti-inflammatory Action: Laser light reduces swelling, leading to decreased pain, less stiffness, and a faster return to normal joint and muscle function.
- Stimulated Nerve Function: Laser light speeds nerve cell process and assist in reconnection of nerves which may normalize damaged nerves, decrease pain and numbness associated with nerve conditions.
- Reduce Fibrous Tissue Formation: Laser light reduces formation of scar tissue, due to surgery, trauma, burns, and other injuries leading to more complete healing, with less of a chance of weakness and re-injury in the future.
- Production of endorphins which dull pain sensations in the brain
- Increase lymphatic flow (drainage)
- Decrease edema (swelling) and other anti-inflammatory effects by inciting release of adrenal corticosteroid hormones.
Advantages of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
- Safe
- Non Invasive
- Non-Toxic
- Easily applied
- Highly Effective
- No Negative side effects
Common Conditions treated:
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Knee Pain
- Trigeminal Neuralagia
- Bells Palsy
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Elbow Pain
- Illiotibial Band Syndrome
- Nerve Pain
- Post Stroke Recovery
- Paralysis
- Fibromyalgia
- And many other health issues
With well over 200 clinical studies – many of which are double-blind placebo-controlled – and in excess of 2000 published articles on LLLT, this innovative newer technology has a well-documented research and application history. LLLT is now being considered a therapy of choice for many difficult pain management challenges such as fibromyalgia and myofacial pain.
Laser acupuncture delivers the same health benefits as traditional acupuncture, but without the use of filaments. Instead, low powered light rays are used to accelerate and enhance the body’s natural ability to heal damaged tissue and restore normal function. Energy produced by cool lasers prompt the production of collagen and ATP (the energy source needed for cellular functions), promotes blood circulation and boosts the release of growth factors and the removes waste products from cells.
Advanced Healthcare Solutions is one of just a few progressive practitioners certified in low level laser therapy. Treatment is simple and painless, making it ideal for children or patients who are fearful of filaments. There is no pain, nor is there an increase in the skin’s temperature from the laser.
Laser acupuncture is ideal for treating open wounds, soft tissue injuries such as sprains, dermatological conditions including acne and eczema, and joint ailments like arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. And, lasers stimulate nerve function in damaged tissue and act as an anti-inflammatory, which means decreased healing time and increased joint mobility.